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  1. Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. 2020. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer.
  2. Ichikawa, M., Soda, R. and Naito, D. eds. 2013. Ethnography of Borneo anthropogenic landscape: changing tropical forests and indigenous knowledge. Kyoto: Showado. (in Japanese)
  3. Soda, R. 2007. People on the move: rural-urban interactions in Sarawak. Kyoto and Melbourne: Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press.
  4. Takesaki, Y. and Soda, R. 2001. Digital atlas of atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Higashi-Hiroshima: Hiroshima University. (in Japanese)

Academic papers

  1. Soda, R. and Kato, Y. 2023. The employment of Indonesians on oil palm smallholdings in Sarawak, MalaysiaSpace, Society and Geographical Thought 26: 19-30.
  2. Kato, Y. and Soda R. 2023. Informalization and localization of Indonesian migrant workers on the oil palm frotier in Sarawak,Malasia. Journal of Fukui Prefectural University 59: 105-131. (in Japanese)
  3. Yaakub, N.F., Masron, T., Marzuki, A., and Soda, R. 2022. GIS-based spatial correlation analysis: sustainable development and two generations of demographic changesSustainability 2022, 14, 1490. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031490
  4. Soda, R. 2022. A history of environmental modification of flood control and water use. In Sato, R. and Nakazawa H. eds. The world through human geography, Tokyo: Open University oj Japan, 123-137.  (in Japanese)
  5. Koizumi, Y. and Soda R. 2021. A brief history of political ecology and Its new trend: a discussion focused on scale. Japanese Journal of Human Geography 73(3): 245–260. (in Japanese)
  6. Soda, R. 2021. Disaster and disparity. Kagaku 91(5): 479-481. (in Japanese)
  7. Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. 2020. Commodification of nature on the plantation frontier. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 1-22.

  8. Mokudai, K., Soda, R. and Watakabe, T. 2020. Geomorphological landscapes of Borneo and riverine society of the Kemena catchment, Sarawak. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 25-40.
  9. Kato, Y., Langub, J., Abdullah., A. R., Samejima, H., Soda, R., Uchibori, M., Okuno, K. and Ishikawa, N. 2020. Multiethnic society of Central Sarawak: an ethnographic analysis. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 85-109.
  10. Soda, R., Ishikawa, N. and Kato, Y. 2020. From river to road? changing living patterns and land use of inland indigenous peoples in Sarawak. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 315-335.
  11. Kato, Y. and Soda, R. 2020. The impact of RSPO certification on oil palm smallholdings in Sarawak. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 337-374.
  12. Soda, R. and Kato, Y. 2020. The autonomy and sustainability of small-scale oil palm farming in Sarawak. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 357-374.
  13. Chew, D., Xin, Y., Soda, R., Ichikawa, T. and Ishikawa, N. 2020. The birds' vest commodity chain between Sarawak and China. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 377-399.
  14. Takeuchi, Y., Soda, R., Samejima, H. and Diway, B. 2020. Current status and distribution of communally reserved forests in a human-modified landscape in Bintulu, Sarawak. In Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. eds. Anthropogenic tropical forests: human–nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. Singapore: Springer, 439-452.
  15. Soda, R. 2018. Human-nature relations in tropical Asia: a case in Northwest  Borneo. Historical Science 232: 59-71. (in Japanse)
  16. Takeuchi Y., Soda R., Diway B., Kuda Ta, Nakagawa M., Nagamasu H. and Nakashizuka, T. 2017. Biodiversity conservation values of fragmented communally reserved forests, managed by indigenous people, in a human-modified landscape in BorneoPLoS ONE 12(11). DOI: e0187273. 
  17. Soda, R. 2017. The relationship between Sarawak and Malaysian Studies. Malaysian Studies Journal 6: 3-20. (in Japanese)
  18. Soda, R. 2017. Culture and acceptance of disasters: supernatural factors as an explanation of riverbank erosionNgingit 9: 18-24.
  19. Sakai, S., Choy, Y. K., Kishimoto-Yamada, K., Takano, K. T., Ichikawa, M., Samejima, H., Kato, Y., Soda, R., Ushio, M., Saizen, I., Nakashizuka, T. and Itioka, T. 2016. Social and ecological factors associated with the use of non-timber forest products by people in rural BorneoBiological Conservation 204 (Part B): 340-349. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.10.022
  20. Soda, R., Kato, Y. and Hon, J. 2015. The diversity of small-scale oil palm cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia. The Geographical Journal. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12152
  21. Soda, R. 2015. Recent Research Trends in Disaster Studies: Human Geographical Perspective. Geographical Studies 90(2): 18-31. (in Japanese)
  22. Soda, R. 2014. Approaches to rethinking rural-urban migration in Southeast Asia: the case of the Iban in Sarawak, Malaysia. In Husa, K., Trupp, A. and Wohlschlägl, H. eds. Southeast Asian mobility transitions: issues and trends in migration and Tourism. Vienna: Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, 100-121.
  23. Soda, R. and Yuhora, K. 2013. River improvement works and changes in human-nature relations: from the case of Agano river in Japan. Studies in Humanities 64: 197-212. (in Japanese)
  24. Kato, Y. and Soda, R. 2012. Emerging Trends in Oil Palm Smallholdings in Sarawak, Malaysia. Geographical Studies 87(2): 26-35. (in Japanese)
  25. Soda, R. and Yuhora, K. 2012. What Was the Aim of “Nature-Oriented River Work”?  E-Journal GEO 7(2): 147-157.
  26. Soda, R. and Seman, L. 2011. Life histories of migrants: bejalai experiences of the Iban in Sabah, MalaysiaGeographical Studies 86: 132-152.
  27. Yuhora, K., Soda, R. and Watabe, S. 2009. Bank erosion along the Rajang River in MalaysiaGeographical Studies 84: 99-110.
  28. Soda, R. 2009. Environmental Changes and "Environmental Problems" in Sarawak, Malaysia. Shirin 92(1): 130-160. (in Japanese)
  29. Soda, R. 2008. Approach to rethinking rural-urban migration in Southeast Asia: a case of the Iban in Sarawak, MalaysiaE-Journal GEO 3-1: 1-17.
  30. Soda, R. 2007. Mover-oriented approach to understand rural-urban interaction: a case from Sarawak, MalaysiaJournal of the Graduate School of Letters 2: 47-58.
  31. Soda, R. 2006. Agents on the move: living strategy of the indigenous people in Sarawak, MalaysiaAnnual Report on Cultural Sciences 119: 79-101.
  32. Shimizu, I. and Soda, R. 2005. Inbound Tourism from Asia to Hokkaido, Japan. Geographical Studies 80: 25-39.
  33. Soda, R. 2005. Iban city dwellers and rural propertySarawak Development Journal 7(1): 38-47.
  34. Kendawang, J. J., Tanaka, S., Soda, R., Seman, L., Wasli, M. H. and Sakurai, K. 2005. Difference of rice farming practices of the Iban in a national boundary area in Borneo and its socio-economic background.Tropics 14-4: 295-307.
  35. Soda, R. 2003. Development policy and human mobility in a developing country: voting strategy of the Iban in Sarawak, MalaysiaSoutheast Asian Studies 40-4: 459-483.
  36. Soda, R. 2001. Rural-urban migration of the Iban of Sarawak and changes in long-house communities.  Geographical Review of Japan (Ser.B) 74-1: 92-112.
  37. Soda, R. 2000. Living strategies of the urban poor in a local town in Sarawak, Malaysia: population mobility of the Iban between urban and rural areasGeographical Review of Japan (Ser.B) 73-2: 139-164.
  38. Soda, R. 1999. The Evolving Concept of Land Ownership among the Iban of Sarawak, Malaysia. Japanese Journal of Human Geography 51-4: 329-351. (in Japanese)
  39. Soda, R. 1996. Sustainability of a Fishing Community Facing the Japan Sea. Japanese Journal of Human Geography 48-2: 62-75. (in Japanese)


  1. Soda, R. 2017. Environment studies in the era of Anthropocene: transdisciplinary transdisciplinary studies on ecology in Southeast Asia. (Abstract of the 50th Anniversary Symposium of the Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies "Changing Southeast Asia and Southeast Asian Studies") Newsletter of the Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies 106: 24-25. (in Japanese)
  2. Soda, R. 2017. Disasters and geography. In Tokoro, I., Sakuma, H. and Shiobara, A. eds. Disasters and fieldwork. (Proceedings of the Field Science Colloquium 2016) Fuchu: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 54-74. (in Japanese)
  3. Soda, R. 2014. Trans-basin network of inland indigenous communities in Borneo. Malaysian Studies Journal  3: 101. (in Japanese)
  4. Sakai S., Choy Y. K., Koizumi M., Kishimoto-Yamada, K., Kato Y., Takano, T., K., Soda R., Samejima, H., Nakashizuka T., Itioka, T. and Ichikawa, M. 2014. Geographical variation in the lives of local people and socio-economic environments in Sarawak. Kyoto: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.
  5. Kato, Y., Samejima, H., Soda, R., Uchibori, M., Okuno, K. and Ishikawa, N. 2014. Ethnoscape of Riverine Society in Bintulu Division. Equatorial Biomass Society 8: 1-14.
  6. Soda, R. 2013. Beyond the watershed: mobility of the inland indigenous people in Borneo. The Daily NNA (Malaysia Version) 05034. (May 28, 2013) (in Japanese)

  7. Soda, R. 2013. Interregional relationships concerning edible bird’s nestsInternational Program of Collaborative Research: CSEAS 2012, 24.
  8. Watakabe, T., Soda, R., Mokudai, K., Ikeda, H. and Yuhora, K. 2012. Bank erosion along the Rajang River and its social impacts. Equatorial Biomass Society 6: 1-5.
  9. Kato, Y. and Soda, R. 2012. Oil palm smallholding by longhouse villagers in inland area, Sarawak. Equatorial Biomass Society 5: 1-5.
  10. Soda, R. and Kato, Y. 2012. Potentiality of oil palm smallholdings in rural communities in Sarawak, Malaysia. Equatorial Biomass Society 4: 7.
  11. Hon, J., Sakai. S., Choy, Y. K., Koizumi, M., Kishimoto-Yamada, K., Ichikawa. M., Kato, Y., Takano, T. K., Itioka, T., Soda, R., and Samejima, H. 2012. Distribution and trend of animal abundance in the Rajang and Baram regions, Sarawak, based on questionnaire survey. In Collapse and Restoration of Ecosystem Networks with Human Activity. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, 158-165.
  12. Sakai, S., Choy, Y. K., Koizumi, M., Kishimoto-Yamada, K., Ichikawa, M., Kato, Y., Takano, T. K., Itioka, T., Soda, R., Samejima, H., and Nakashizuka, T. 2012. Changes in the lives of indigenous people and their environments in Sarawak. In Collapse and Restoration of Ecosystem Networks with Human Activity. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, 185-189.
  13. Ishikawa, N. and Soda, R. 2012. Preliminary joint research in Kemena/Tatau riverine area, Sarawak, Malaysia. Equatorial Biomass Society 2: 1-3.
  14. Soda, R. Noboru Ishikawa (2008): Between frontiers: nation and identity in a Southeast Asian borderland. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press. Geographical Review of Japan (Ser. A) 83(1): 117-120. (Book Review in Japanese)
  15. Tomita, S., Badenoch, N. and Soda, R. 2010. Overview of the project. In Tomita, S. ed. The preservation, compilation and reading of Lanten Yao traditional text in Northern Laos. (Project Report of Lanten Yao Traditional Text Studies)
  16. Soda, R. and Yuhora, K. Bank erosion in the middle basin of the Rajang River in Sarawak, Malaysia. Tsugami, M. ed. Humanity Study on Natural Disasters in Borneo. (Project Report of JSPS Research Program)
  17. Soda, R. 2009. Satoshi Yokoyama and Yukino Ochiai eds. Rural Lao Studies. Tokyo: Mekong. Geographical Review of Japan (Ser. A) 82(1): 63-66. (Book Review in Japanese)
  18. Soda, R. 2009. John Postill (2006)Media and nation building: how the Iban became Malaysian. New York: Berghahn Books. Asian Journal of Social Science 37: 169-170. (Book Review)
  19. Soda, R. 2006. Digitization project of geographical information. In Center for Regional Geography, Hiroshima University ed. Two-decade history of Research Center for Regional Geography, Hiroshima University, 61-64.
  20. Soda, R. 2002. A survey of geographical studies in Japan, 2001 (Area studies / Regional geography). Japanese Journal of Human Geography 54-3: 27-29.

Conference presentation

  1. Soda, R. 2024. Changes in livelihoods and demographic dynamics in a world with a small population: the case of Northwestern Borneo. International Conference "Debating Economic Development in Tropical Asia: Historical Pathways, Environmental Constraints and Population Growth." Keio University, Japan (March 29, 2024)
  2. Soda R. 2019. Historical development of flood control and water use in and around Japan: 150 years of river management technology.  UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society of Asia and Africa. Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. (August 8, 2019)
  3. Soda, R. 2017. Landscape changes and its social impacts in Borneo.  Regular Meeting of Osaka Association of Historical Science. Cleo Central Osaka, Osaka, Japan. (April 22, 2017) (in Japanese)
  4. Sakai, S., Choy, Y. K., Kishimoto-Yamada, K., Takano, K., Ichikawa, M., Samejima, H., Kato, Y., Soda, R., Saizen, I., Nakashizuka, T. and Itioka, T. 2017. Urbanization, population change and forest cover in rural Borneo. The 64th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan. Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. (March 14-18, 2017) (in Japanese)
  5. Solda, R. 2016. Environment studies in the era of Anthropocene: transdisciplinary transdisciplinary studies on ecology in Southeast Asia. The 50th Anniversary Symposium of the Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies "Changing Southeast Asia and Southeast Asian Studies." Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. (December 2-3, 2016)
  6. Soda, R. 2016. The relationship between Sarawak and Malaysian Studies. The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Malaysian Studies. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (November 27, 2016)
  7. Soda, R. 2016. Disaster studies and geography. Field
    Science Colloquium 2016 "Disaster and Fieldwork." Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Fuchu, Japan. (Jun 17, 2016) (in Japanese)
  8. Soda, R. 2016. Oil palm smallholding and mosaic-landscapes in Sarawak, Malaysia. UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society of Asia and Africa. Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. (March 21, 2016)
  9. Takeuchi, Y., Soda, R. and Diway B. 2015. Conservation values of culturally reserved forests managed by indigenous communities in Borneo. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, USA. (July 12-16, 2015)
  10. Soda, R. and Ishikawa, N. 2015. Basin societies in northern Borneo. The 25th Anniversary Symposium of The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology.  Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (Jun 19-21, 2015) (in Japanese)
  11. Takeuchi, Y., Soda, R., Samejima, H. and Deway, B. 2015. Distribution pattern of communally preserved forests and the impact of land development in Sarawak, Malaysia. The 25th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (Jun 19-21, 2015) (in Japanese)
  12. Sakai, S., Choy, Y. K.., Koizumi, M., Kishimoto-Yamada, K., Takano, T. K., Ichikawa, M., Samejima, H., Kato, Y., Soda, R., Ushio, M., Saizen, I., Nakashizuka, T. and Itioka, T. 2015. Variation in the use of ecosystem services by local people in Borneo: Social and ecological factors. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015. Chiba, Japan. (May 24-28, 2015)

  13. Soda, R., Kato, Y. and Hon, J. 2014. The latest trends in small-scale oil palm farming in Sarawak, Malaysia. International Seminar of “Human Nature Interactions of the Riverine Societies in Sarawak: A Transdisciplinary Approach.” Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Kuching, Malaysia. (December 4, 2014)

  14. Takeuchi, Y., Soda, R., and Diway, B. 2014. Biodiversity of remnant forests in Jelalong, Bintulu. International Seminar of “Human Nature Interactions of the Riverine Societies in Sarawak: A Transdisciplinary Approach.” Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Kuching, Malaysia. (December. 4, 2014)
  15. Soda, R. and Kato, Y. 2014. Thirty years of forest development and the response of indigenous people in Sarawak, Malaysia. UZH University Research Priority Program “Global Chang and Biodiversity.” University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. (October 20, 2014)

  16. Soda, R. 2014. Geography and field work. Ikuno High School-University collaboration day. Ikuno High School, Matsubara, Japan. (July 9, 2014) (in Japanese)
  17. Sakai, S., Keong, C, Y., Koizumi, M., Kishimoto-Yamada, K., Ichikawa, M., Kato, Y., Takano, T. K., Itioka, T., Soda, R., Samejima, H., Saizen, I., Nakashizuka, T. 2014. Changes in utilization of ecosystem services by local people: cause and consequences. 2014 Global Land Project Open Science Meeting. Berlin, Germany. (March 19-21, 2014)

  18. Soda, R. 2013. The trends in forest development and adaptability of indigenous communities in Sarawak, Malaysia. International Seminar on “Current status and challenges of sustainable forest management in Borneo: views from governments, private sectors, NGOs, and local communities.” Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (December 9-10, 2013)
  19. Soda, R. and Kato, Y. 2012. Impacts of oil palm smallholdings on rural-urban household economy: a case in Bintulu, Sarawak. International Seminar on “The Last Malaysian Oil Palm Frontier: Oil Palm Smallholders and the Emerging Socio-economic Landscape of Rural Sarawak.” Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Kuching, Malaysia. (December. 5, 2012)
  20. Mokudai, K., Watakabe, T., Soda, R., Ikeda, H. and Yuhora, K. 2012. Sand dredging and riverbank erosion in the Rajang area in Malaysia. The Seasonal Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Fall 2012. Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. (October 6-9, 2012) (in Japanese) 
  21. Soda, R. and Kato, Y. 2012. Potentiality of oil palm small holdings in rural communities in Sarawak, Malaysia. International Seminar on “Human-Nature Interactions of the Riverine Societies in Sarawak: A Transdisciplinary Approach.” Harbourview Hotel, Kuching, Malaysia. (June 29, 2012)
  22. Kato, Y. and Soda, R. 2012. Socio-economic impacts of oil palm industry on rural communities in Sarawak, Malaysia. Borneo Research Council Conference. University of Brunei Darussalam. Bandar Sri Begawan, Brunei. (June 26, 2012)
  23. Soda, R. 2011. Minor disasters and disaster culture. Research Workshop of Regional Sciences. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. (March 29, 2011) (in Japanese)
  24. Soda, R. 2010. Ecotourism and ethnic tourism in Sarawak, Malaysia. Open University Lecture of Osaka City University 2010. Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan. (April 29, 2010) (in Japanese)
  25. Soda, R. 2010. Rural-urban human mobility of indigenous people in Borneo. International Symposium "Historical Development and Cultural Imagination." Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan. (January 10, 2010)
  26. Soda R. 2009. River improvement history in Japan: rethinking human-nature interactions. International Conference on “Changing Nature of “Nature”: New Perspectives from Trandisciplinary Field Science.” Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (December 14-17, 2009)
  27. Soda, R. and Yuhora, K. 2009. River disasters in Sarawak, Malaysia. The Seasonal Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Fall 2009. Ryukyu University, Naha, Japan. (October 6-9, 2012) (in Japanese) 
  28. Soda R. and Yuhora K. 2009. Bank erosion in the middle basin of the Rajang River in Sarawak, Malaysia. International Seminar on “The Perceptions of Natural Disasters among the Peoples of Sarawak.” Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia (March 24, 2009)
  29. Soda, R. 2008. Plantation development and indigenous society. The Seasonal Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Fall 2012. Iwate University, Iwate, Japan. (October 4-6, 2008) (in Japanese) 
  30. Soda, R. 2008. Environmental changes and indigenous society. Annual Meeting of the Society of Historical Research. 2008 . Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (April 19, 2008) (in Japanese) 
  31. Soda, R. 2007. Forest development and its impact on local communities. The Public Symposium of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology 2007. Kochi Castle Hall, Kochi, Japan. (June 17, 2007) (in Japanese)
  32. Soda, R. 2006. Ethnicity, culture and human mobility in East Malaysia. The Seasonal Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, Fall 2006.  Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan. (September 23-25) 
  33. Soda, R. 2006. Urban sojourners and rural property: changing family relations among the Iban in Sarawak. International Symposium on “Indigenous Communities: Voices towards Sustainability.” Malaysia National University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (March 13, 2006)
  34. Soda, R. 2006. Human mobility in the periphery: cases from Malaysia. International workshop on “Multicultural Anxiety and National Frameworks in the Globalised World.” Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. (February 22, 2006)
  35. Soda, R. 2005. Changing family relationships among the Iban: urban sojourners and rural property. Institute of East Asian Studies Seminar Series. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Kuching, Malaysia. (October 26, 2005)
  36. Soda R. 2003. The Iban in cities and their rural property. Interdisciplinary Workshop on “Conservation of Tropical Forest & Shifting Cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia.” Kochi University, Kochi, Japan. (December 23, 2003)
  37. Soda, R. 2000. Rural-urban human mobility in Sarawak, Malaysia. Regular Meeting of the Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies (Hiroshima Branch). Hiroshima Women's Center, Hiroshima, Japan. (May 27, 2000) (in Japanese) 
  38. Soda, R. 1998. Changes in land use of shifting cultivators in Borneo: a case of the Iban in Sarawak, Malaysia. The Annual Meeting of The Human Geographical Society of Japan 1998. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (November 15, 1998) (in Japanese)
  39. Soda, R. 1997. Changing longhouse communities of the Iban in Sarawak, Malaysia. The Annual Meeting of The Human Geographical Society of Japan 1997. Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan. (in Japanese)